Drs. Beverly and Siskind discuss their research and the importance of research funding in an interview for the American Cancer Society

Under Review at American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology

American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology “Paper of the year 2023”!

‘Cancers’ published June 2023!!!

ToTOL research published in ‘Cellular Oncology’

June 2023

Research published In AJP-Renal September 2022!!!

Research published in Kidney 360 May 2022!!!


Welcome to the Tumorigenesis and Therapeutic Outcomes Laboratory, where we take a ‘ToTOL’ approach to cancer research!!

Drs. Levi Beverly and Leah Siskind Co-Direct the lab located at the University of Louisville in the Brown Cancer Center.


ToTOL Research Mission:

The mission of the lab is to perform cutting-edge biomedical research that will increase cure rates of cancer patients while decreasing short- and long-term toxicities. 

ToTOL research is not possible without our generous donors and funding agencies!!


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